Shuttle service information

Pick-up/Drop-off Point in Seville

NH Plaza de Armas, C/ Marqués de Paradas S/N | 41001 Seville

Pick-up/Drop-off Point at CEU Fernando III

Glorieta Cardenal Herrera Oria, 41930 Bormujos, Seville

Shuttle schedule

Monday, Day 3 Tuesday, Day 4 Wednesday, Day 5
Seville to Bormujos Departures at 9:15 AM and 2:00 PM Departure at 8:15 AM Departure at 8:15 AM
Bormujos to Seville Return departure at 9:00 PM Return departures at 6:15 PM Return departures at 3:30 PM

To utilize the shuttle service (except for morning transfers on Day 3), it is necessary to have indicated your intention during registration.