Abstract Submission

All abstract submissions to 16th Nuclear Data for Science and Technology Conference should be entered through the submission portal below.

Abstract Submission Deadline

4th November 2024

Notification Acceptance

16th December 2024

Registration Deadline

20th May 2025


If you have already sent an abstract, please log in through the following link to our profile indicating your email and password here.

Abstracts will be categorised into the following ‘broad themes’. Note that there is an expectation that by submitting an abstract, the presenting author will go on to register. There is no fee for submitting your abstract(s).

Abstract Submission Topics

  • Nuclear reaction measurements (thermal, fast & HiE).

  • Nuclear mass, structure, and decay measurements.

  • Experimental facilities & instruments.

  • Sample preparation.

  • Fission.

  • Spallation.

  • Nuclear data for fission thermal and advanced reactors.

  • Innovative nuclear technologies: SMR, MSR, ATFs.

  • Life extension.

  • Advanced reactors and accelerator driven systems.

  • Nuclear data for fusion.

  • Nuclear data for astrophysics and space applications.

  • Nuclear data for medical applications: therapy, imaging and dosimetry.

  • Nuclear data for spent fuel and waste management.

  • Criticality Safety.

  • Nuclear data for isotope production.

  • Nuclear theory: models and codes.

  • Data analysis tools.

  • Monte Carlo simulation.

  • Computational techniques and machine learning.

  • Nuclear data libraries, processing, adjustment, consistency.

  • Nuclear data evaluation.

  • Covariances and uncertainty quantification.

  • Nuclear data standards.

  • Integral experiments and validation.

  • Nuclear data dissemination.

  • Education, training and outreach.

Submission Details

  • The abstract title, authors and their affiliation should be entered in the corresponding fields.

  • Please note that the text should not exceed one page.

  • Please indicate your preferred type of presentation: full paper (regular talk) / paper (short oral presented in poster format) / poster (without oral presentation, but accessible to conference members). However, it is up to the Scientific Committee to make the final selection.